Woodford/Looscaun Parish Newsletter

Portumna Faith Community Area

 Sixth  Sunday in Ordinary Time February 16th  2025 

                        St John the Baptist Church, Woodford.

Mass   Mon. 9.30am    Tue 7pm   Wed. 9.30am Fri. 7pm  Sat. 10am & 7pm   

Saturday February 15th  7pm Michael & Joan Fahy, Derrycrag, Woodford

                                             & deceased members of the Fahy & McCabe Families, Derrycrag. 

Tuesday February 18th    7pm Frank McCabe, Allendarra (Anv) 

Friday February 21st        7pm Patrick & Nora Starr, Derrygoolin & daughter Kitty Bunce 

                                                      & her son Michael & her husband Nicky, England 

                                                      & Robbie Cooney, Barkhill (3rd Anv)   

Saturday February 22nd   7pm Nancy O’Reilly, Loughatorick  (First Anniversary)

                                                       Mary Fahy, Douras (Months Mind) 

Altar Society:    Kitty Moroney & Brid McNamara (Feb)

                               St. Brendan’s Church, Looscaun 

Mass  Sun. 11am

Sunday February 16th 11am Paddy Garvey, Coose, (Months Mind) 

Sunday February 23rd 11am Tommy Page, Rossmore & Kate Kelly, Clonmoylan & DFM

                                                    Brendan Donnelly, Douras (9th Anniversary) 

RIP:  Frank Gardiner, Craughwell & formerly Kylebrack, brother of Eva Hickey

 and Rita Page, Green Valley Court   

Altar Society Team 3 

 Offertory: Feb. 2nd    655.25  Thanks for your continued support 

Please Note Envelope Boxes for 2025 are available in both Churches 

Mass will be available on 105.0FM locally, on Parish Facebook Page &  Church Webcam

Link for Sta. John the Baptist Church Woodford     www.churchmedia.tv/stjohnbaptist  

Link for St. Brendans Church, Looscaun                 www.churchmedia.tv/stbrendans 

Email Address for the Parish Newsletter. Please direct Notices you wish to publish in the Parish Newsletter to this  new email address   woodfordlooscaunnewsletter@gmail.com  

Tommie Larkins Lotto results for the 11th of February 2025 – 2,9,25,29.

No Jackpot Winner, Match 3 Winners: Anthony Mc Gann, Mary Kelly.

This week’s lotto jackpot is € 8000. Buy tickets online or in local shops/pubs. 

Davitts 50/50 draw.: Congratulations to Jody Collins, Woodford  ,winner of €600 in last weeks draw. Next draw  takes place on Monday ,24th February. Tickets available in local shops/pubs or online at www.klubfunder.com/Clubs/Davitts_Camogie _Club/TicketSales ” . Thanks for your continued support

First Friday Calls will be made on Friday next February 21st.  If you would like a call or know someone who would appreciate a call, please contact Fr. Kieran on 090-9749100 

  This Newsletter is printed with the kind support of   Woodford Heritage Centre Celebration of the Sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion,

Confirmation 2025 We remember in our prayers those who are beginning to

prepare for the celebration of the important Sacraments of First Confession, First

Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We also remember their families,

sponsors, teachers and our entire parish community who will journey with them.

Tea dance in aid of Galway hospice in Treacys Killimor on Saturday 22nd February. Music by Marian Kirby. Admission €10. Refreshments served.

Pope Saint John Paul II Award Presentation:  Thirty- six students from five schools in the Clonfert Diocese were honoured at a Presentation Ceremony by Bishop Michael Duignan in the Meadow Court Hotel recently.  Congratulations to the following students from the parishes of  Woodford & Looscaun who received their awards, Alannah Tyrrell, Anna Madden, Mae Tracey Codie Murphy, Peter Flaherty & Fionnuala Hanley  in recognition for their voluntary Church / School and Community Activities carried out in the past year

Galway Cathedral Novena to Our lady of Perpetual Help Mon 17 th Feb – Tuesday

25 th Feb 2025 Sessions Mon – Sat 11.00am, 1.10pm and 7.30pm, Sunday 10.30am,

12.30pm, 3pm and 6pm. Further details at www.galwaycathedral.ie tel 091 563 577

Derryoober Parents Association Fundraiser presents “Beat the Millions” starting February 7th Pick five numbers from 1-50. Chosen numbers matched against Friday nights Euromillions main Draw (lucky Stars excluded). Matched numbers are crossed off.Game continues weekly until a player matches all five numbers, winning player splits the pot. Payment is €2 weekly to stay in the game Contact Geraldine Keon 0861699818/Joe Duane 0876313204 by text or WhatsApp with your chosen numbers or for more info.Payment by cash or revolut no later than 4pm on a Friday. 

Use of Churches Churches are consecrated spaces. Their walls and altar have been anointed with the sacred Oil of Chrism. They have been set apart and dedicated solely for prayer, worship, the celebration of the sacraments and sacred rituals along with the safekeeping of the Eucharistic presence of Jesus among us. They are sacred spaces unlike any other. They stand as a unique reminder that God is with us and walks with us on the journey of life. In order to safeguard and emphasise the sacredness of our church buildings, Universal Church Norms and Clonfert Diocesan Norms do not permit churches to be used for: Non-religious concerts, performances or exhibitions

Non-religious talks, seminars, social gatherings or functions The serving of food or beverages. Wakes or the reposing of the dead.

The Diocese of Clonfert is open to working with Parish Pastoral Councils and Parish

Finance Committees to facilitate the use or improvement of parish halls or other parish

owned buildings to accommodate non religious activities or to discuss the de –

consecration of churches surplus to current requirements so that they might be used for

other than religious purposes.

St. Francis Prayer Group invite you to ‘Life in Jesus Christ’ seminars bringing you into

a living relationship with Jesus by prayer, music, teaching and fellowship. Starts on

Tuesday 25th February at 7p.m for 7 weeks Clonfert Family Centre, Ballinasloe, H53

NX59. All are welcome to come and see. More details contact: Theresa on 086 3241269

Anam Cara are hosting an Online Bereavement Information Evening on Tuesday 18th

February at 7pm for bereaved parents. This is a collaborative event and will have

members of other support organisations on our panel for the Q&A session. Along with Brid Carroll we will have HUGG, A little lifetime and Feileacain on the panel. If you

know any bereaved parents who may benefit in joining us please pass on the registration

details. Anam Cara Online Bereavement Information Evening on Tuesday 18th

February 2025 Time: 7pm – 8:30pm, Guest Speaker: Brid Carroll Register here for Anam

Cara Online BIE February 2025

Fr. Kieran O’Rourke, T. 090 9749100, M. 087 2997956,* E. woodfordlooscaun@clonfertdiocese.ie

Newsletter available on www.clonfertdiocese.ie, Eircode: H62 AK18

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Woodf4dLooscaun, Woodford/Shragh Defibrillator 999 or 112***.