Woodford/Looscaun Parish Newsletter

Portumna Faith Community Area

First Sunday of Lent   March 9th 2025 

                        St John the Baptist Church, Woodford.

Mass   Mon. 7pm  Tue 7pm Wed 9.30am  Fri.7pm  Sat. 10am & 7pm   

Saturday March 8th          7pm Nora & Peter Flaherty, Derryoober 

                                                       William(23 Anv) & Julia Hickey,(in her 100th Year)    

                Loughatorick & Woodford & deceased members of the Hickey & Collins Families 

Friday March 14th           7pm Mary Wisdom(nee O’Halloran) England &  Woodford

Saturday March 15th       7pm Irene & Raymond Keary, Woodford

                                                       Michael Keon, Derrygoolin. 

Altar Society:    Mary Gorman & Wiltrude Duell (Mar)

                               St. Brendan’s Church, Looscaun 

Mass  Sun. 11am

Sunday March 9th        11am Deceased members of the Tuohy Dan Family, Slaughty

                                                    Tom Conroy & his parents John & Elizabeth, Kylenamelly

                                                    Tom & Maureen Daniels, Woodford 

Sunday March 16th    11am Josephine Conroy, Slaughty (7th Anniversary)

                                                   Padraig McCole, Shannonhill (3rd Anniversary) 

                                                  Breda Jones, Douras (11th Anniversary)                                                            

Altar Society Team 6 


Emily Conmy (nee Murray) North Carolina USA and formerly Looscaun, sister of Rose Keon and Matie Murray. 

Pat Canning,Portmarnock Co. Dublin and formerly Woodford, brother of Robbie and Joe Canning, Woodford 

 Offertory: Mar. 2nd     774.85 Thanks for your continued support 

Please Note Envelope Boxes for 2025 are available in both Churches 

Mass will be available on 105.0FM locally, on Parish Facebook Page &  Church Webcam

Link for Sta. John the Baptist Church Woodford     www.churchmedia.tv/stjohnbaptist  

Link for St. Brendans Church, Looscaun                 www.churchmedia.tv/stbrendans 

Email Address for the Parish Newsletter. Please direct Notices you wish to publish in the Parish Newsletter to this  new email address   woodfordlooscaunnewsletter@gmail.com  

Trócaire – with Lent now here you will find Trócaire boxes available, as usual, in the

Church. The box is enclosed in an envelope with information materials about the

campaign for this year. You can find out about Ilma and Julio from Guatemala. The box

is a great and simple way to occasionally contribute to those less fortunate in the world,

for example, by putting the box on your kitchen windowsill.

Tommie Larkins Lotto results for the 2nd of March 2025 – 5,6,10,23.

No Jackpot Winner, Match 3 Winner: Kevin Mc Hugo.

This week’s lotto jackpot is € 8,300. Buy tickets online or in local shops/pubs. 

Purchase a ticket to support Tommy Larkins GAA Club and you could be in with a chance of  incredible prizes there is over €90 000 in cash up for grabs.1st Prize is a massive €50,000 in  cash , and more cash prizes for 2nd, 3rd and 4th plus exciting weekend packages to the thrilling All-Ireland Finals, a holiday voucher worth €2,500 and many more. Tickets are €15 each. Contact any club officer for more details or use this link 


First Friday Calls to the sick and housebound will be on Friday March 14th.  If you would like a call or appreciate someone who would like a call, please contact Fr. Kieran on 090-9749100 

Parish Land to let:  Please contact Tuohy Auctioneers on 061-927004 087 2754035 for more details. 

Celebration of the Sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion,

Confirmation 2025 We remember in our prayers those who are beginning to

prepare for the celebration of the important Sacraments of First Confession, First

Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We also remember their families,

sponsors, teachers and our entire parish community who will journey with them.

Living as Missionary Disciples – A Lenten Retreat Opportunity, Fri. 28 th &; Sat. 29 th

March in Clonfert Family Centre, Ballinasloe.  See www.creideamh.ie/retreat for details. 

All welcome but places limited.

Lenten Scripture Initiative drawing on the riches of St Luke’s Gospel begins this

Sunday (2 nd March) @ 6.30 pm in Clonfert Family Centre, Ballinasloe.  See

www.creideamh.ie/luke for more details.  All welcome.

A new formation programme for Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministers of the Word is available now in the Dioceses of Clonfert and Galway. Application Forms are available at the Church Doors or from Fr. Kieran. Please note that the closing date for applications is Friday 28th February 2025. The Parish of Woodford and Looscaun welcomes parishioners who would like to become Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministers of the Word. 

Derryoober Parents Association Fundraiser presents “Beat the Millions” starting February 7th Pick five numbers from 1-50. Chosen numbers matched against Friday nights Euromillions main Draw (lucky Stars excluded). Matched numbers are crossed off.Game continues weekly until a player matches all five numbers, winning player splits the pot. Payment is €2 weekly to stay in the game Contact Geraldine Keon 0861699818/Joe Duane 0876313204 by text or WhatsApp with your chosen numbers or for more info.Payment by cash or revolut no later than 4pm on a Friday. 

Féileacáin Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support – Spring Remembrance Service,

The Church of the Holy Family, Mervue, Galway on Sunday 9 th March at 2.00pm.

www.féileacáin.ie Help Line Number 085 249 6464

Eve of St Patrick’s Day Eucharistic Procession Athlone – Starts at 3 pm with the

Divine Mercy Chaplet at St. Mary’s Church Athlone N37 XP66. Jubilee Eucharistic

Procession through Athlone’s streets; Extraordinary Graces for The Renewal of

Ireland’s  Faith! 5pm Adoration and finish with Holy Mass at 6pm. Everyone is welcome

to this moment of grace to celebrate our Patron Saint and the treasure of the faith he

brought to us.

Tea dance in aid of Galway hospice in Treacys Killimor on Saturday 15th March. Music by Sean Brennan. Admission €10. Refreshments served. 

This Newsletter is printed with the kind support of   Woodford Heritage Centre .

Fr. Kieran O’Rourke, T. 090 9749100, M. 087 2997956,* E. woodfordlooscaun@clonfertdiocese.ie

Newsletter available on www.clonfertdiocese.ie, Eircode: H62 AK18

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Woodf4dLooscaun, Woodford/Shragh Defibrillator 999 or 112***.